Saturday, August 27, 2016

Green Dragons

Another soccer season is here and the boys are on the same team with the exception of one change in the roster.  They have come far from where they started last year.
 DJ going for the ball.
 Waiting for the play to start.
 Alex handling the ball.
 They are a great little team! Go Dragons

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

First Day of School for the Boys

First grade officially started one day later than the rest of the school, so today is DJ and Alex's first day of school.

What are they most excited for? Two recesses and eating lunch at school.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

First Day of School

Today is the first day of school.  Unpacking my room, loading all the cupboards, moving furniture multiple times, creating bulletin boards, filling desks, and planning, planning, planning has brought me to this day.  Ready of not, school is starting.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Utah Fan Fest

We ventured up to the Rice Eccles Stadium for the Utah Fan Fest tonight.  
 It was a blast.  The kids favorite part was the basketball players they got to play with.
 They were so cute and good with the kids!
 Sarah practicing her golf skills.
 DJ's favorite part was the dunk tank.  He got close to the tank so he got drenched each time they went into the water.
 Alex racing the the hurdles.
 DJ was so proud that he won beat the kid next to him. 
 The volleyball station had a fun game too.
We had a blast up at Fan Fest!

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Sarah's First Day of School

Sarah's first official day of school
 This wasn't her first day, but a fun evening ride.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Family soccer and game night

Backyard soccer tonight.

 Everyone had fun so I think both teams were winners.
 After soccer we played a family game.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Snowbird Summer Fun

We decided that Sarah needed to travel to the top of Utah today so we took our family up to Snowbird for the summer activities.

What a great day!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Welcome Sarah

It is finally the day!
We were very excited to go to the airport and pick Sarah up.
It was a longer wait than we expected, but she was well worth the wait!
Coming off of a 12 hour flight and out of customs.
 Welcome to our family!
 Coming into her room and seeing her amazing poster.
 She brought the boys some legos and helped them out creating them.
 We are proudly flying two flags for the entire school year!

Getting Ready for School

This school year has brought a lot of changes.  I am in a new school district, a new school, a new room (portable), also a new program (dual language immersion).

 The first week of getting my things moved in and starting to set up the room had no power and electricians things everywhere.
 After moving everything in I started creating bulletin boards. 

 Having all of the electricians equipment made it interesting. 

 Once I unpacked my boxes things started to look like a classroom.

 Getting chairs and desks down and arranged made a big difference.