Thursday, January 31, 2013

Library Time

 We went to the library to pick up a book for mommy's church lesson and the boys loved the short time we were there.
  They love reading and thought it was fun that they had little couches to read on.

Tubby Time

 I was at a store last night and saw these cool watering cans.  I had to get them!  The boys couldn't wait to play with them in the tub.  We added some bowls and spoons and imagination time was in full effect!
 DJ couldn't stop talking about cooking pie.
Alex loved pouring and dumping out the water.
It is so much fun to see their imagination come to life with a couple of little toys!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

School Time

 DJ usually wakes up from his nap earlier than Alex so I have decided to use that time to start learning some skills.  Santa brought DJ a learning book for Christmas so we are working in that.  We do a couple of pages or work until Alex wakes up. 
He is doing so well and is such a smarty pants! 

Monday, January 28, 2013

Window Crayons

 Alex's birth mom, Ashley sent them a package of window crayons.  We tried them out for the first time today.  I was a little leery about them because I was afraid we would be encouraging them to draw on the walls.  After explaining to them that they are window crayons and only go on the windows we pulled them out.  They LOVED them and we play with them everyday now.  
They love the big space they have to color and getting to color on the windows is pretty cool.
 I drew faces of both of them and they got to color them in.  The first thing DJ did was give them beards, silly boy!
 It's even fun to clean it off the windows!
Thanks Momma Ashley!

Friday, January 25, 2013


 Today we decided to go fishing.  It is way too cold outside to venture outside so we made our own fishing pond. 
The boys had a blast catching fish.
After catching a fish DJ went over to his kitchen and decided that he needed to gut the fish in the sink.
 Then of course after you gut a fish you need to prepare it so you can eat it.  Yep that's right, DJ then placed his fish in a pot and put it into the oven to cook.
 I enjoy watching my boys' imagination working.  It is one of my favorite parts of my day.
 Alex caught himself with the fishing net.  Silly boy!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

DJ's Checkup

DJ went in for his 3 year old check-up.
DJ is in the 16th percentile for height and 25th percentile for weight.
He loves talking to people and talking to the doctor is no different. DJ wants to know what everything is and what it is for and why it is there.  He is very inquisitive!  This was the first time he got to wear a gown at a doctors visit, and looked so cute that I had to snap a picture. 
DJ is a VERY active little boy and doesn't sit still very much.  He has an amazing imagination and loves to play pretend.  This little boy is always amazing me!  He is such a sweetheart and a lover. He is a smarty-pants and remembers EVERYTHING you tell him, although he pretends not to hear you when you ask him to put something away or got off of the couch.  He keeps me laughing from the wee morning hours until after nightfall!  I am so grateful for him and lucky that I get to be him Mommy!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Movie Date

We went to our friends house today to watch a movie. 
We haven't been able to get with him forever because someone is always sick.  So today we watched a Finding Nemo together.  Something super low-key for those that weren't feeling the best.  Our friend loves to watch movies in a bin and we joined him and loved it too.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

My Boys

I sure do love these little guys!  
They love it when Daddy gets home from work!
We took the baby gate off of the stairway because DJ was just climbing over it and we didn't want him falling and getting hurt.  Now the boys have a new place they LOVE to play: at the bottom of the stairs.  Silly boys!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Hot Dog

 Grandma Sue bought us a fun little 'plate'.  They are made just for hot dogs.  You put a cooked hot dog on it then place the dog part over it and it cuts the dog into little bites.  There is also a place for the ketchup.  The boys loved eating from their fun new plates. 
 Thanks Grandma Sue!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Happy Birthday Grandma Sue

 On Grandma Sue's birthday we went to Texas Roadhouse to celebrate her special day.
They made Grandma sit on the pretend horse so the boys wanted to join her.
 We love Grandma!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

60th Surprise Party

 We had a surprise party for my mom's 60th birthday.  
Mom and Grandma Alice
 We had a memory table with pictures from when mom was young up until present day.
 We planned it around red and purple, her favorite colors.
 She says that she was really surprised with the party and had no idea we were planning it.  She is the greatest mom that anyone could ever ask for!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Snow boy

 DJ went out and helped Daddy plow the enormous amount of snow this morning. 
 I have a super cute snow boy!
Daddy and DJ

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Fun at Home

 We got out the paints today.  The boys love painting. 
 Alex hates getting messy so when he got some paint on his arm he freaked out!
 After we cleaned up the paint we made a fort to play in. 
They are super active boys and always ready for something new to do.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Fun Times

 I took the boys to the mall to go on a walk so we could get out of the house.  We walked once around the the mall and was headed out when we ran into Kurt and Shaileen.  My boys were very happy to see them!  Then they suckered Kurt and Shai to let them ride on a ride. 

Monday, January 7, 2013

Package from Mama Ashley

 We got a surprise at our door the other night. The mailman delivered us a huge package from Alex's birth mom, Ashley.  The boys were super excited!
We couldn't open it fast enough.
 The boys are having a lot of fun playing with all of the toys!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam

First off, yes this picture was taken at church.  I just couldn't help myself! 
Today was DJ's first week as a Sunbeam.  I can't believe he is already old enough to be out of the nursery!  It seems like a couple of months ago when we first brought DJ to church in his carseat and he slept almost the entire time. Since DJ is 3 and Alex is 2 until July the boys are in different church classes.  I have been a primary teacher for a couple months so I have been excited knowing that DJ is coming to sharing time.  I was actually talking to a friend about how sorry I feel for DJ's new teacher because he doesn't sit still at all.  Well, last Sunday I found out that I was being moved to Sunbeams because there are so many kids they would be making two classes.  Can you guess who is in my class?  Yep, the wiggly, squirmy Dawson Jay.  He did really good in sharing time and was on his chair most of the time. Then we got to class time and guess which child wouldn't sit still? That's right, mine!  I wonder if he would do better in a class where I wasn't his teacher. I guess we won't find out anytime soon.  I sure do love my boys and I am so thankful for the fun they bring into our lives.  The other day DJ was saying the dinner prayer and he will say some of a prayer by himself and then I chip in or he will repeat the same thing over and over. The first thing he said was, "We are thankful for our birthmoms."  I was almost in tears the first time he said that by himself.  I am so happy we have the blessing of adoption in our lives.  I am also so grateful that we have open adoptions with both my boys birth families, and that my boys are realizing how much birth families mean to us!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Dinner with Family

 Grandpa Ed was in town so we went to dinner.  We had a great time chatting and catching up!
 Grandpa got the boys animal hats.
DJ seriously thought he was a wolf and kept crawling on the ground howling.