The boys and I decided to go play at Murray park today. It is such a fun park with things just for the little ones. There are little things that look like cups. You sit in them and spin. I put the boys in together, they didn't last long!

DJ loves climbing on things and there were 2 climbing walls, so he was in heaven.

Alex's favorite thing was the swing.

After the boys were done with the park we walked into the garden area. We found some stairs to play on.

They have almost all of the trees named and DJ would run from plaque to plaque to plaque asking what type tree it was. The boys also found a fun hill they enjoyed running down.

We saw a group of ducks. Too bad we didn't have anything to feed them.

After we went over to Daddy's work and picked him up. He needed to go to the store so we took him and had lunch together.

What a fun day!
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