Monday, September 3, 2012

Doughnut Falls

On Sunday we decided to hike Doughnut Falls. It is a beautiful hike that we haven't done since before we were married. The boys were excited to go into the mountains. We packed up and headed out. We only have one carrier so we were excited and a little nervous to see how DJ would do hiking the whole way up the mountain. He did amazing! He walked the entire way on his own. There was only one part, when we were almost to the top when he asked Alex to get out so he could ride. When we told him we were almost there he was fine with walking a little more.

This is the 'Grumpy Old Troll bridge'.
DJ helping us figure out which way to go.
Mommy and DJ during the hike.
Daddy and Alex hiking.
We saw many animals during out hike. The first is the moose on the top picture. They are hard to see, but there is a cow and her baby moose in the top picture. We also found a fuzzy caterpillar walking across the trail, so we picked it up with a stick to take a closer look.
Mommy's boys
DJ had so much fun exploring nature and being free to walk by himself. Alex isn't steady enough on his feet yet to hike alone but he will be soon.
We had an amazing time spending the day up in the mountains hiking.
We love spending time together!

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