Mommy took us to the state fair. We had so much fun. We got to pretend that we worked on a farm. There are so many things a farmer has to do.

We had to get food for the animals,

feed the animals,

keep them company,

pick the fruit off the trees,

plant seeds,

harvest the vegetables,

drive the tractors around,

brush the animals,

and gather eggs.

Whew, it is tough being a farmer.

But, we got paid for the work we did and got to pick out a treat with the money.

We saw real animals at the fair too.

Wow, the pigs were huge!

The sheep were really soft.

They tried to pet us too.

We walked around the fair and watched people fishing at a pond.

Mommy bought us a corn dog.

It was delicious!

We had fun seeing everything there was to see. Our favorite part was dancing to the fun music!

We are so glad Grandpa E called Mommy to give us free tickets to the fair. Thanks Grandpa E!
What a great mom you are for taking your boys out for some fun.