We had a super fun adventure today! We went to Hill Air Force Base. Yesterday I asked DJ where he wanted to go and he said that he wanted to see the airplanes. I thought that was a great idea so we loaded up and headed out. Right before we were to get on the freeway I noticed that both boys were practically asleep, so we turned around and went to a park instead. He was bummed, so I promised him that we would go the next day. So we loaded up in the car early today and headed up north.
The boys were excited to see all of the planes. We went to a airplane museum in Ohio so they knew what they were in store for. I guess I was feeling adventurous because I decided to take the single stroller and trade off who was riding. They did really good staying with me, they must be growing up! DJ would get really excited and run ahead of us sometimes, but every time I asked him to stop or come back he did.
They both enjoyed pushing each other.

We loved all of the different types of planes.

Both boys enjoyed all of the miniature planes too.

Many planes had faces painted on them. We saw a neat motorcycle and a lot of flags.

DJ really enjoyed the planes that were opened. He loved looking inside of them. He also found a pretend dog that he couldn't get enough of.

Alex loved the motorcycle and seeing the different types of planes.

DJ has gotten into space and astronauts lately, so when he saw this picture he loved it.

Both boys tried on fighter helmets.

Then we went out and made our own rockets. DJ thought it was so cool that they actually gave him scissors to use.

Alex did really well building his rocket!

After we made our rockets, we went outside to launch them. They were excited and waited very patiently for their turns. We counted down and then they got to push the button to launch them into the air. (No picture of Alex's launching because he wouldn't do it without me right by him. Too close to take a picture.)

They had so much fun at the museum. We are going to go back soon and take a picnic lunch and eat under the giant planes they have sitting outside.