Sunday, November 11, 2012

California Day 2 - Disneyland

The day we had been waiting for finally arrived, DISNEYLAND!!!
We were so excited to enjoy this magical place and see our kids eyes light up.
I made the boys Mouse ears for our trip.
I love Alex trying to look at his ears.
The boys wanted to stop and look at everything.  They had to stop and see the pond with ducks in it.
We traveled up in the treetops to Tarzan's home.
Of course the boys had to bang on the pots and pans!
As you can see, the boys couldn't stop looking around.
We had fun on the jungle cruise.  DJ kept asking if the animals were real or fake.  He was afraid they were real and would get us so I had to keep reassuring him that they were fake. 
We have been preparing the boys by watching Disney movies so they would know the characters and on every movie they show the castle at the beginning.  Each time DJ saw the castle he would ask if he could go there.  He was so excited to see the castle in person!
We had fun riding the rides.
The boys loved sitting by themselves and holding on.
We ventured to Toon Town, one of their favorite places.  We road on Roger Rabbit and then walked through the houses.
We rang some bells.
We got to meet Goofy!  Alex kept saying that he wanted to touch him as soon as he saw Goofy.  It was so cute!  If you look closely Alex's hand is touching Goofy's shirt.  Yes, he got to touch him and was so happy!
We visited Mickey and Minnie mouse's houses.  
DJ doing (his first ever) the "Man Pose" at Mickey's house.
We watched the parade.  DJ is obsessed with drums so when Mickey Mouse came out playing the drums he was so excited!
For some reason the boys both love princesses.  They were both blowing them kisses.

Standing in line for the Finding Nemo submarine ride.  
One of the favorite rides was Buzz Lightyear, where you could shoot the robots.
What a big day!
They were tuckered out!

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