Saturday, November 10, 2012

California Day 1 - Newport Beach

 We left Las Vegas and headed for California.  We were excited to be on our way.
We checked in at our timeshare and then headed to the beach.  DJ had a blast chasing the birds!
 It was super windy at the beach, but we had fun. I love my boys!
 It was fun seeing the boys seeing this place that is so different from Utah for the first time!
 Wish it was warmer, but wouldn't have traded it for anything.
 Good thing we packed the jackets and hats to the beach.
 Again DJ was enjoying the birds.
 Daddy chasing DJ on the beach.  He's a fast little guy!
 We had fun exploring,
 finding seashells.
 playing in the sand,

 and hanging out together!
 Later that night we found a fun diner to eat at.  The boys thought it was super cool that we sat at the counter and watched them cook food.
At night we went up on the roof of the hotel to watch the Disneyland fireworks.  We were disappointed when it was too windy so they didn't have any.  
 But we had fun snuggling!

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