We wanted to hang out with Shai today since it was her last day off. She suggested we visit a new store, Scheels. Kurt didn't miss out in the fun, he had an short day of work and joined us. We had so much fun there.
After you walk in there is a huge fish tank. There are 3 pillars that connect at the top. It was fun to see all of the tropical fish.
They have lots of animals out so you can take your picture with them. It was fun to get up and personal with so many animals.

The boys liked all of the football stuff, especially the huge fingers!
They played with golf club covers too.
We also honed up on our boxing and shooting skills.
We also played a game of bowling.
There is also a ferris wheel inside the store, but Alex was too short to ride it. Maybe next time.
Who knew a store could be so much fun.