I was able to get together with two of my best friends. We haven't gotten together in I don't know how long. It was so good to see them again and catch up! It was fun to see our children get along and play together. We met at my friend's in-laws. They have a great backyard and the kids had so much fun with the toys and space there!
We played with their parachute, sand box, and bubbles.

They had a bucket of water and some squirt gun out for the older kids, but when they all went inside to the playroom the little ones took over.

DJ squirting Mommy. Look how excited he is to get me with his gun.
We had so much fun over with the kids' new friends and my old friends! These women mean so much to me. We don't see each other often enough, but they are still some of my best friends. One I have known since I was 3 and the other not long after. I am lucky to have these ladies in my life!