We decided to go up to Snowbird on Saturday to spend some time up in the mountains and go up the tram to the top, but when we got there it was rainy and really wet. So we decided we would try the tram another day. Since we were already up there we decided to stay and play for awhile.
We rode a pretend horse.

We even rode together.

The boys posed for pictures. They sure love the mountain!

We walked to a playground and let the boys play. It started to rain, but that was no deterrent to them.
Alex checking himself out in the mirror. His wet pants are from going down wet slides.

We hung out for a while.

We went on a hike.

DJ loved walking through the woods, and has really good footing up there too.

DJ found moose tracks and want to show us.

Sitting on a long in a stream.

Daddy tried to teach DJ our famous pose

We saw a squirrel, but it ran away so we tried to call it back. We also saw lots of other little rodents.

We played some more at the playground. We are going to go up there again to play when it is not raining, so we can play some more.

Our friend Tanner was there playing with us too.

Alex and DJ are both little monkeys and love to climb.

They had a fun car and plane to ride in.

Then we went to dinner.

Tanner and his Mommy and Daddy came too.

The kids got a small ice cream with their meal. How lucky!

Daddy and Alex showing some love.

We had a great time even though we didn't do what we planned on doing up at Snowbird. Family time is so important to us that it doesn't really matter what we are doing, we always have fun. We we lucky to have our friends up there too. The boys really love hanging out with Tanner.
What a fun place even with the rain!