Sunday, June 2, 2013

Shauna and Bill's House

 Jason's step mom Shauna invited everyone out to her house for a BBQ.  
She put up her huge water slide for everyone to play in.
DJ eventually got brave enough to go down it when the water wasn't on.  He isn't a fan of water squirting him.
And yes, there was water squirting!
 They have some really fun toys outside!
 A teeter totter,
   and a 'spin and puke'
We had homemade ice cream.  Both boys got it all over their faces!
 We went inside later and the boys played Foosball.
 They have animals at their house, so we went and saw their horse, Buttercup.
 Bill caught a baby chicken for the boys to hold.
 They both gave it a kiss. 
We had so much fun playing!
 We were worn out on the ride home!

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