Monday, June 9, 2014

Farm, Friends, Water, and Ball

We had a fun and eventful day today!  We started out early by going to Wheeler Farm with our friend.
We fed ducks,
 spent time with animals,
 laughed at the sheep sticking their tongues out,
 gobbled with the turkey,
 posed with our friend,
 climbed on a wagon,
 sat on a 'wheel couch', 
 climbed trees,
 fed horses,
 and played on a tractor.  It was such a great time getting out and being with our friend.
After we went home and had our rest time we got out our pool and splash pad for the afternoon.
We had a great time playing in the pool.
 Watching the water pour is always fun.
 DJ cleaned off his dump trucks.
 We also got out the water gun and had a great time squirting the fence and the dog.
When daddy got home we went to the church ball field and played around.
 This is Alex's baseball face.  He thinks the ball players have to be mad at the balls.
 It is fun watching them get better each time we go out and play.
 My little bug.
 Daddy has a routine where one boy bats while the other throws him the next ball.
 Neither boy has been interested in playing catch.  So Jason and I played for awhile and after about 10 minutes of watching DJ decided he wanted to play.  I think that is all it took for him to want to play catch, watching us have fun!
And of course we play tackle baseball.
We have had an amazing and busy day filled with fun and love.  We are a super close family and we love spending time together at all times.  There is nothing better than bonding with our boys!

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