We decided to get season passports to Lagoon this year. We spent the day riding rides and making memories.
Although it was pretty cold, these knuckleheads still rode the log ride twice.
The boys had never been to Lagoon before and were thrilled with all of the little rides.
While wandering around Pioneer Village we happened upon this gorgeous bird.
Alex loved the Flying Aces, although it made me sick.
Getting ready to ride in Dracula's Castle.
DJ wasn't too fond of bigger roller coaster rides, but I talked him into riding the Wild Mouse with me. As we got closer to the front of the line (this was the only long line we waited in) he told me that he was actually very excited to go on it. He loved it!
Alex's favorite ride was the Tidal Wave, and he went on it three times.
This was one of their favorite rides.
We are excited to go all during the summer!
Fun! My kids love Bambara too. We also have passes maybe we will see you there.