Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween from my super heroes!
This year we had an amazing spider man and 
 a teenage mutant ninja turtle.
 We got ready this morning in our costumes so I could get some pictures of the boys before preschool.
I had the boys take pictures by themselves and DJ has acquired the perfect photo bomb!
 After their preschool party we went to our aunt and uncles house to trick or treat.
 The boys love trick or treating especially with cousins.
 Look at the face!
 The cutest turtle, spiderman, and oompa loompa ever!
 Some of the families sat outside to hand out treats with their friends.  
 As the boys picked out a piece of candy DJ would thank them for not giving him licorice. Then we said 'Thank you and Happy Halloween!' as he left every house. 

 We had a great night with family and lots of trick or treating!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


We went the Gardner Village tonight.  We found a place to park our brooms.
 This witch forgot to shut the door, and it stunk!
 A good friend gave up tickets to bounce on the jump pillow.
 The boys loved it!
 We had to pose for some pictures.

 It is so fun seeing all of the witches!
  This caught Alex's attention when we were passing this store front.
I LOVE taking these boys out on a date!  We always have such a great time together and I wouldn't spend my evening any other way.

Sunday, October 26, 2014


 We made caramel apples today.  The boys had so much fun covering the apples.
They did a really good job!
 The best part came a couple minutes later - eating them!

Saturday, October 25, 2014


It was the blackout game and we were pumped to go watch a great game.
 Jason loves to be at the stadium to see everyone run out onto the field.  He gets a little anxious when we are cutting it close to the time.  Luckily we always make it there.
 It was a super intense game with lots of ups and downs.
 The Utes pulled out the win!
 We love watching football and it is always a fun date night!

Service Project

Every year we go over to our grandma Alice's house to help her get her yard ready for winter.  The boys are now at the age that they are pretty good helpers.
 They loved helping daddy cut the trees!
 Using the big snippers was a favorite too.

 Alex found me a flower to put behind my ear.  What a sweetie!
 Little man, Jax was a big helper too.
 Grandpa Evan almost through DJ out with the trash.
 We love helping out and hanging out.
 Cutting the branches in smaller pieces.
 Trimming up the bushes.
We love to help our great grandma out whenever we can. It is also good for the boys to see that helping others is important and can be fun too.