Thursday, August 29, 2013

Utah vs Utah State

Football Season is upon us again.  The first game of the season was here.  My parents watched the boys for us.  We are going to take them to two games, but the first one we wanted to enjoy without the wiggles.
 We park about a mile away from the stadium and walk.
 I got a new hat.  I love all the cute bling!
 Watching the pre-game warm up in one of my favorite pair of boots.
 The band.
 Me and my love
 After the game we drove past the temple.  Man, I sure love seeing the temple!

Cool Car

The boys love the car Grandma Sue and Grandpa Evan bought them for Christmas.  They are now big enough to drive and steer themselves.
 They still need practice, but they did pretty good.
 They used to fit perfectly in the car together, not so much anymore.  We did squeeze them in together for awhile.
We had them use teamwork.  Alex pushed the gas and DJ used the steering wheel.
 These boys just make me smile!  DJ kept following around the car while Alex drove saying he was looking for clues.  

Car Wash

DJ has always hated going through car washes!  He screams and cries whenever we went into one.  Well the other day DJ requested to go through the car wash, so we had to oblige.
 He loved watching, but had a concerned look the entire time.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Helping Daddy

DJ and Alex love being outside so whenever anyone is outside they have to be out too.  This is how the boys helped daddy mow the lawn.
 They make me smile!
 DJ and Alex shaking their booties at Daddy.
 I caught DJ spinning around and around in circles.  Then he said that he was the blade in the lawn mower.  I love watching their little minds work.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Wolf Creek Weekend

We went up to Wolf Creek with some family this past weekend.  We had so much fun!
 We love going to our timeshare and spending a great weekend together.  Daddy and the boys out on the back porch.
 While Uncle Kurtie was trying to get some rest the boys kept creeping up on him and scaring him.  
 They did have a little cuddle time too.
 (My favorite picture of the weekend!) We went out exploring while all of the boys (except DJ) were napping.  DJ resting under a tree.
 DJ 'planting a tree' in a horseshoe pit.
 The girls
 DJ and I saw a mommy and baby deer, so we tromped in the weeds to follow it a little.
 From the couple of pictures, it looks like all Kurt did was sleep.  How could I not get a cute picture of him and his little boy sleeping together?
 We LOVE games and played many!
 The boys played Twister for the first time ever.  
 They loved it and did really good!
 Mommy and Daddy played too.  Mommy won even though DJ was climbing on her back.
 We didn't follow the directions of a certain hand going on the color, but just said hand on red or foot on green.  They followed the directions really well.
 We were sad when the weekend came to an end, but we had a great time.
 The boys were tuckered out!
 We took the long way home to see the gorgeous scenery Utah has to offer.
We are so grateful for the time we were able to share together.

Construction Site

Mama Ashley bought Alex some log houses building kit.  The boys love playing with them.
 After houses are built they like to get their people and cars and play.

Monday, August 19, 2013


Daddy spent some one on one time with DJ by taking him to the driving range.
 DJ loves going out with Daddy golfing and he looks just like a little golfer!
 All squared up ready to hit.
  He does really good watching the ball.

 Look at that form!
 Oh man, what is daddy doing to me??? My boys are already getting into golf.
 He LOVES it!
 They went to the putting green too.  I love how you can see just how small DJ is compared to the flag in this picture.
 What a cutie!
I enjoy seeing my boys have fun together and love being active.