First off, yes this picture was taken at church. I just couldn't help myself!
Today was DJ's first week as a Sunbeam. I can't believe he is already old enough to be out of the nursery! It seems like a couple of months ago when we first brought DJ to church in his carseat and he slept almost the entire time. Since DJ is 3 and Alex is 2 until July the boys are in different church classes. I have been a primary teacher for a couple months so I have been excited knowing that DJ is coming to sharing time. I was actually talking to a friend about how sorry I feel for DJ's new teacher because he doesn't sit still at all. Well, last Sunday I found out that I was being moved to Sunbeams because there are so many kids they would be making two classes. Can you guess who is in my class? Yep, the wiggly, squirmy Dawson Jay. He did really good in sharing time and was on his chair most of the time. Then we got to class time and guess which child wouldn't sit still? That's right, mine! I wonder if he would do better in a class where I wasn't his teacher. I guess we won't find out anytime soon. I sure do love my boys and I am so thankful for the fun they bring into our lives. The other day DJ was saying the dinner prayer and he will say some of a prayer by himself and then I chip in or he will repeat the same thing over and over. The first thing he said was, "We are thankful for our birthmoms." I was almost in tears the first time he said that by himself. I am so happy we have the blessing of adoption in our lives. I am also so grateful that we have open adoptions with both my boys birth families, and that my boys are realizing how much birth families mean to us!
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